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Aqoustics & Google - 'Calling Our Corals' - Sonic Branding

Imagine being able to restore our ocean's coral reefs using the power of sound and state of the art AI technology... you'd think we were lying to you right?

Well, we were asked to join the incredible team at Aqoustics to carry out this mission, and the results are pretty spectacular... read on until the end for the wow! 

The Challenge

"Scientists have found that the global index for biodiversity intactness (the proportion of the original number of species in an area that remain and their abundance) – is currently at 75%. This is significantly below the 90% "safe limit" for humanity, needed to maintain vital ecological processes such as pollination and nutrient cycling. We cannot survive on this planet without healthy, balanced ecosystems." - Aqoustics

In an unprecedented collaboration, Aqoustics teamed up with Google to create the sole installation in the Blue Zone, where world leaders convene at COP, marking a groundbreaking fusion of innovation, environmental awareness, and technological prowess.

The Approach

Embarking on a groundbreaking initiative, our team collaborated on a two-phase experiment that seamlessly integrated physical installation and cutting-edge technology. Spearheaded by the Aqoustics team, the first phase involved the construction of an installation, while the second phase centered around the development of an app slated for distribution through Google Arts & Culture.

The heart of this project lies in the extensive underwater recordings meticulously captured by dedicated scientists, with Steve Simpson and Mary Shodipo leading the charge. Faced with the formidable task of sifting through countless hours of recordings, the limitations of human capacity became apparent. Enter artificial intelligence.

Our role involved delving into the vast ocean of recordings to distill them into manageable files, each containing the unique sounds of the ocean. These files became the foundation for instructing AI on discerning significant audio cues. Collaborating closely with Google, we crafted an app designed to engage the public in this transformative process. Enabling users to actively contribute to teaching the AI, the app empowers individuals to identify crucial sounds for deeper scientific exploration. Moreover, the AI is trained to categorize sounds into distinct classes such as man-made, fish, coral, and noise pollution.

Beyond the digital realm, we envisioned and created a captivating visual presentation integral to our on-site installation. This presentation delivers a riveting 3D sonic experience, immersing visitors in the rich tapestry of underwater sounds. Dive into the future of marine exploration by exploring the innovative intersection of science, technology, and public engagement in the captivating world we've crafted.

The Result

The videos say so much more than we can put into text, however the result was a resounding success. In a conference about the earth where NO talks were scheduled discussing our oceans, we were able to get world leaders and thousands of passers speaking about our oceans.

Google were behind the project so much so that we landed the front page of Google in a takeover for 24 hours - a dream come true!












If you would like to read more directly from Google Arts & Culture, and maybe even take part in the experiment, you can find the project here -

No project is too ambitious for us, we feel this is a great one to symbolise our ambition. What's next?


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